The Lord’s work always needs the Lord’s people to work!
How can I be more involved at FCC? Here are several ways for you to pray about.
- Be A PRAYER WARRIOR! We always need prayer warriors. Take you bulletin home each week and pray by name for those listed on the back. Perhaps you could get a small group together once a week for a prayer time.
- Attend some of our existing Bible study opportunities.
- Join the Ladies’ Community Bible Study on Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. What a great way to share with ladies from various churches.
- On Wednesday night, bring your children to youth meetings.
- Volunteer to help with prayer shawls, a great ministry. Contact Marilyn Jansonius
- Volunteer to help with building upkeep and maintenance. Speak to Gene Earl or Jim Lanier about specific areas which might need help.
- Volunteer to be a greeter on Sunday morning. It is a great way to get to know people.
- Volunteer to help with Vacation Bible School.
- Volunteer to be a dorm parent at camp during the summer.
- Volunteer to give people a ride to Church on Sunday morning.
- Volunteer to come in on Wednesday night to help work with the children, help serve refreshments or clean up.
- Volunteer to help with or teach a Children’s Bible Class on Sunday during the service.
- Come in a thoroughly clean/disinfect the toys in the nursery.
- Come in and clean in the kitchen.
- Pull weeds at the Children’s Play Ground
- Speak to any of the praise team about being a part.